Books and Book Chapters
- K.D. Cooper, K. Kennedy, and L. Torczon, “Compilers,” in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Third Edition, R.A. Meyers (editor), Academic Press, 2001, pages 433-442.
- K.D. Cooper and L. Torczon, Engineering a Compiler, Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, an Elsevier imprint. 1st Edition, November, 2003; 2nd Edition, February 2011; 3rd Edition: in preparation
- K.D. Cooper, J. Mellor-Crummey, and V. Sarkar (editors) Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, published in 2011 as Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6548. (Meeting held in Houston, TX, October 7-9, 2010.)